The Index Monthly Manufacturing Activity (IMAM), of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), fell last December in relation to November 2021, going from 61.6 to 61.1, but showed increases in the variables of sales volume, production and supplier delivery terms. The IMAM it remained above the 50.0 threshold for all of 2021.
According to a statement from the AIRDthis index it is a portrait of the manufacturing activity of a month in relation to the previous one. It is specified that when the IMAM is located below the threshold of 50 points reflects that the economic conditions and prospects of the manufacturing sector are considered unfavorable. Above 50.0, the outlook is favorable.
The IMAM is presented with an adjustment for seasonality and weighted in its five variables and as index general, which allows a more reliable approximation by taking into account the recurring and therefore predictable fluctuations that occur in a period within a year, which tend to affect the measurement of results.
The sample totals 500 companies which have been selected according to their economic importance, sector and geography.
The five variables used to form the IMAN and with which the opinion balance is established are: volume of sales, production, behavior of employment, delivery time taken by suppliers and the behavior of inventories of supplies and raw materials from one month in relation to the other.
As for the variables examined, these were weighted and adjusted for seasonality, and when reporting to December in relation to November 2021, we have:
“Sales volume” went from 58.8 in November to 59.9 in December; “Production volume” was shown at 53.4 in November and went to 59.5 in December. “Employment” went from 65.4 in November to 62.7 in December. “Inventory of raw materials” fell from 64.2 in November to 59.1 in December, and “Delivery time to suppliers” fell from 71.5 in November to 75.6 in December. That is three of the five variables considered showed a downward trend in December compared to November 2021.
In summary, weighted and seasonally adjusted:
Index Monthly Manufacturing Activity: In 2020: 62.4 in January 2020; 55.9 in February; 38.2 in March; 38.6 in April; 52.1 in May; 60.7 in June; 61.5 in July; 47.7 in August; 65.6 in September; 69.0 in October; 50.0 in November; 58.8 in December. In 2021: 51.1 in January; 52.1 in February; 66.8 in March; 53.6 in April; 62.4 in May; 58.7 in June; 57.3 in July; 54.4 in August; 67.2 in September; 58.9 in October, 61.6 in November, and 61.1 in December. One month down.
Variable Turnover: In 2020: 72.1 in January; 54.7 in February; 28.6 in March; 25.0 in April; 51.9 in May; 69.6 in June; 69.5 in July; 41.2 in August.; 77.4 in September; 75.7 in October; 41.6 in November; 63.5 in December. In 2021: 47.1 in January; 46.6 in February; 76.5 in March; 45.2 in April; 65.4 in May; 60.0 in June; 55.1 in July; 48.3 in August; 72.5 in September; 57.6 in October, 58.8 in November and 59.9 in December. Two months up.
Variable Output: In 2020: 65.8 in January; 59.1 in February; 23.1 in March; 23.1 in April; 52.2 in May; 72.6 in June; 68.0 in July; 47.8 in August.; 74.4 in September; 80.0 to October; 50.3 in November; 64.7 in December. In 2021: 43.9 in January; 50.4 in February; 73.1 in March; 56.3 in April; 64.9 in May; 62.9 in June; 54.4 in July; 44.0 in August; 77.0 in September; 60.2 in October, 53.4 in November, and 59.5 in December. One month up.
Variable job: in 2019: In 2020: 57.6 in January; 50.9 in February; 40.1 in March; 39.4 in April; 50.1 in May; 47.2 in June; 47.8 in July; 49.3 in August; 53.2 in September; 67.1 in October; 49.2 in November; 46.6 in December. In 2021: 51.7 in January; 52.0 in February; 56.1 in March; 55.1 in April; 58.0 in May; 55.5 in June; 54.0 in July; 50.0 in August; 61.0 in September; 63.1 in October, 65.4 in November, and 62.7 in December. One month down.
Variable Raw Materials Inventory: In 2020: 61.8 in January, 54.2 in February; 55.3 in March; 57.0 in April; 44.9 in May; 62.2 in June; 48.4 in July; 48.8 in August; 56.7 in September; 49.7 in October; 52.05 in November; 49.7 in December. In 2021: 46.8 in January; 51.9 in February; 57.0 in March; 45.1 in April; 61.7 in May; 57.6 in June; 65.3 in July; 66.3 in August; 61.1 in September; 52.9 in October, 64.2 in November, and 59.1 in December. One month down.
Variable Supplier Deliveries Deadline: In 2020: 61.8 in January, and 54.2 in February; 82.7 in March; 81.8 in April 2020; 67.7 in May; 41.5 in June; 56.9 in July; 48.9 in August; 60.4 in September; 63.5 in October; 60.9 in November; 66.1 in December. In 2021: 68.6 in January; 68.3 in February; 71.2 in March; 65.1 in April; 66.8 in May, 68.8 in June; 73.3 in July; 80.9 in August; 76.8 in September; 84.8 in October, 71.5 in November, and 75.6 in December. One month up.