The national government welcomes and highlights the progress of the police model implemented by the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), which in this new 13th anniversary demonstrates that through the principles of the Bolivarian Revolution, it has gone from abusive practices of the Fourth Republic to a treatment closer to the people, exalted the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.
When congratulating the PNB, which turns 13 this Tuesday, December 20, through his account on the social network Twitter, the Head of State stressed that the Venezuelan police model has been advancing in respect for Human Rights and in the recognition of the community they protect.
“Under the principles of the Bolivarian Revolution, we have been replacing the abusive police model of the 4th Republic, with a more humane one that is closer to the People. Congratulations to the officials of the new Bolivarian National Police! Brave protectors of the Fatherland! », He posted on Twitter.
In the message, the national President congratulates the officials whom he describes as: “Brave protectors of the Homeland!”
Likewise, through a video published in the message, he recalls the words of Commander Hugo Chávez, who recalls that December 20 was the great launch: “the PNB was born so that together with the community they fight against the crime that hurt so much it causes society” the video says.
“Men and women, exemplary police officers, in the construction of the Bolivarian homeland,” said Hugo Chávez.
In the same video, President Nicolás Maduro stressed that Venezuela has “moralized, disciplined police forces, serving the people with patriotic values of dignity, sovereignty and independence.”
“Let’s go protect our people for peace, for security and for protection. Congratulations police of the country,” added Maduro.
fair recognition
President Nicolás Maduro reiterated in another message that the PNB is working to “defend, protect and serve the people» Venezuelan.
He expressed that these men and women risk their lives on a daily basis to guarantee citizen security.
“Today is a day of fair recognition, and well deserved, to our Bolivarian National Police,” he said.
«Defend, Protect and Serve the People! The noble trade of the men and women who daily risk their lives to guarantee citizen security. Today is a day of fair and well-deserved recognition of our Bolivarian National Police,” the message on Twitter indicates.
birthday GNP
The Bolivarian National Police (PNB) began its operations on December 20, 2009, and is considered the main civilian security force in the country.
For the year 2006, the National Commission for Police Reform (Conarepol) carried out various studies in order to establish a new police throughout the national territory. Until then, there were only specific police forces, such as Cicpco, state police forces, such as PoliZulia, and municipal police forces, such as PoliChacao, despite the fact that the 1999 Constitution established that a national police force should also be created to coexist with those that already existed.
The creation of the Bolivarian National Police is based on article 332 of the National Constitution.