After the scandal created by the leaking of chats from the Telegram mobile application between judicial officials, businessmen and political leaders, some of them linked to macrismo, the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernandezspoke on the subject through their social networks.
Alberto Fernandez published that “(have been exposed) all those involved in a perverse game of bribery that seriously affects the proper functioning of the State and, in particular, the administration of justice.” The President He also mentioned that the way in which certain corporations operate over our country’s officials, judges and prosecutors was exposed.
all the speech of Alberto Fernandez It occurs a few hours after the ruling in the Road Cause is revealed, which accuses the current vice president of the Nation, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, of redirecting public works in the province of Santa Cruz to the company Austral Construcciones of Lázaro Báez.
On Thursday, October 13 of this year, Julián Ercolini, from Federal Court 10; Carlos Mahiques, president of Chamber II of Criminal Cassation; Pablo Cayssials, from Federal Administrative Litigation nine and Pablo Yadarola, from Economic Penalty two, among other owners of corporations and People close to Macrismo met at the ranch of Joe Lewis (who in turn illegally prohibits entry to Lago Escondido) to presumably guarantee the legal security of former president Mauricio Macri.
For this action, the criminal lawyer, Luciano Almonacid, filed a complaint with the Council of the Magistracy and alleged “poor performance of their duties” to the judges and magistrates present at the meeting. Almonacid explained that the magistrates failed to comply with the National Constitution and present “serious disorder of personal conduct.”
Fernández’s resolutions on the conclave
The President resolved four items after the controversy over the meeting in Lago Escondido: in the first instance, instruct the Ministry of Justice to appear before the Public Prosecutor’s Office, so that the financing of the trip to Lewis’ ranch be criminally investigated.
Subsequently, instruct the representative of the PEN before the Judicial Council, and that he open a summary before the Disciplinary Commission that will investigate the conduct of the federal magistrates involved. Also ask the Bloc of Legislators of the Frente de Todos (FdT) of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) to evaluate the conduct of the Justice officials present in Lago Escondido.
Finally, once again request the National Congress to move forward with the treatment of the bills to reform the Judiciary. From now on, deputies of the FdT demanded an investigation into the scandal after calling it “mafia practices”.