Chartist deputies seek to repeal the agreement of the Ministry of Education with the European Union with false arguments where they mention the “Educational Transformation”, however the law 6659 that they seek to repeal has no relationship with the project.
To start false that the European Union finances the Educational Transformation, in reality 100% of the financing comes from the Fund for Excellence. Indeed, European cooperation resources are allocated to school works and the purchase of school supplies and food.
It is also false that the committee that debates the Educational Transformation did not include parents in the process, in fact the MEC held 356 meetings of technical tables, forums, mini-summits, where 68,000 people participated, in addition to other events where 400,000 participated. people. Digital consultations were also carried out with the participation of 148,000 citizens. Likewise, agreements were signed with members of the 17 departmental education councils and several meetings were held with the parents’ committee made up of Fedapar, Fedapy, and Fenapep, among others.
It is not real that the three transversal axes want to displace parents in the exercise of parental authority, in reality, the axes are supported by the relevant articles of the National Constitution:
Legal approach: every inhabitant of the Republic has the right to comprehensive and permanent education that, as a system and process, will be carried out within the context of the community’s culture (Law 1264/98, art. 1). In addition, the National Constitution in its art. 25, says that every person has the right to free expression of his personality, creativity and the formation of his identity and image. Ideological pluralism is guaranteed.
Also the art. 73 of the National Constitution is very clear when it says that: «Every person has the right to integral and permanent education, which as a system and process is carried out in the context of the culture of the community. Its aims are the full development of the personality…»
Inclusion: Identification and minimization of barriers to learning and participation, and maximization of resources to support both processes (Art. 3, Law No. 5136/13 on Inclusive Education, Arts. 23 and 80. Law No. 1264/98, Art. 58, CN/92).
The following categories are also considered for inclusion:
a. Student with specific educational support needs
b. Disability
c. Specific learning disorders
d. High intellectual capacities
and. Late entry into the educational system
Interculturality: The National Educational System guarantees the knowledge, preservation and promotion of the cultural, linguistic and spiritual heritage of the national community, based on the strengthening of the cultural identity of people and respect for all cultures.
Education for ethnic groups is understood to be that which is offered to groups or communities that have their own culture, language and traditions and that make up the Paraguayan nationality (Arts.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 75 , Law No. 1264/98)
Education should be aimed at instilling in the child respect for their parents, their own cultural identity, their language and their values, the national values of the country in which they live, the country of origin and different civilizations. to yours” (Art. 29, sub. c, Convention on the Rights of the Child).
It is false that they seek to replace the educational community and that they put society before the family as guarantor of children, the MEC clarified that the text was adjusted in the version of the document on educational communities and others.
The information that the donation is conditioned is false. The Minister of Education Nicolás Zárate himself explained that the National Plan for Educational Transformation is financed through the Excellence Fund and is not linked or conditioned by the funds received by the European Union. The minister also explained that through the European Union Agreement with Paraguay, it is possible to finance, among other things, vouchers for 47,000 Technical Baccalaureate students from all over the country. It was even clarified that the purchase vouchers worth G. 70,000 are complementary to the standardized school supply kits, and will allow the acquisition of teaching materials according to each technical specialty.
Although there are parents who are genuinely concerned and demand information about the Educational Transformation, it must be clearly pointed out that there are politicians who only seek to capture votes by falsely defending the family, taking advantage of people’s confusion.