For an amount of 6.1 million dollars, the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) held the act of opening envelopes for the Design, Study, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the new Drinking Water, Sanitary Sewerage and Water Treatment System residuals; Rehabilitation and Maintenance of the Current Water System for Taboga.
Two companies participated in this event, the Consorcio Agua de Taboga and the Consorcio Acueductos Panamex.
This work, which will benefit more than 1,600 residents, must be completed in a period of 725 days, between design, construction and operation.
The project, which will also impact the hundreds of national and foreign tourists who visit the Taboga district, contemplates the installation of a desalination plant, improvements to the complete system of networks, conduction lines, storage; the construction of a raw water intake in the sea and the design of the first sewage system on this island.