Global estimates published by the WHO indicate that around one in three (35%) women in the world have suffered violence physical and/or sexual partner or sexual violence by third parties at some point in their lives. Most of these cases are intimate partner violence.
The United Nations defines violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or may result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm to a woman, including threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of freedom, whether they occur in public or private life.
When we talk about violence, what we usually refer to in a general way is physical, which is the act by which physical damage is inflicted on the victim through direct aggression. However, beyond physical abuse, there are other types of attacks whose objective is the same: to seek the total submission of the victim and the depersonalization of it, thus expressed the psychologist Heidy Camilo.
He gave as an example, that in verbal violence, disqualifications such as: “crazy, stupid, idiot, you are useless, even degrading words about the victim’s body” are used.
Although it manifests itself regularly with insults and harassment, it can also be done indirectly, in which the aggressor or aggressor introduces behaviors that devalue the person.
sexual violence
Experts also classify as a type of violence, sexual, which is accompanied by physical attack. According to WHO, in this, the person is forced or coerced to carry out activities of a sexual nature against her will. Sexual violence does not refer only to rape, but also to female genital mutilation, prostitution, sexual harassment, etc.
social violence
Social violence is any act with a social impact that threatens the physical, mental or relational integrity of a person or a group. These acts are carried out by a subject or by the community itself.
Economic or patrimonial violence
It is based on reducing the financial resources of the couple or family as a measure of coercion. That is, prevent him from having his own means to support himself.
30% of women worldwide have experienced some form of violence. This is denounced by a report from the Catholic Church Manos Unidas. The NGO includes in this violence that derived from trafficking, the use of women as a weapon of war. Similarly, violations or attacks on women’s rights defenders. Also of the most vulnerable populations, such as indigenous peoples, especially in Latin America.