Portachuelo reinforces the blockades and radicalizes the measure of pressure in favor of the census

Portachuelo reinforces the blockades and radicalizes the measure of pressure in favor of the census

Portachuelo reinforces the blockades and radicalizes the measure of pressure in favor of the census

November 23, 2022, 7:13 PM

November 23, 2022, 7:13 PM

Neighbors and representatives of institutions in Portachuelo determined to strengthen the blockades and radicalize the pressure measures until the census law is approved. Lhe residents of this municipality, initially, took this measure for 48 hours, it began at dawn on Wednesday the 23rd and will continue until tomorrow, November 24.

Portachuelo, Montero, Warnes, Buenavista, among other municipalities in the integrated north of the department of Santa Cruz, they abide by different pressure measures since October 22when by determination of the council, an indefinite strike was assumed in demand for the 2023 census.

Soledad Prado, correspondent for El Deber in that region, reported that through a meeting between neighbors and institutions, it was decided to close the highway that connects Santa Cruz with Cochabamba for 48 hoursfrom today Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 November.

“They do not allow the circulation of vehicles of any kind and they assured that they will maintain the measure until the deputies approve the Law on the census,” confirmed Prado.

In the rest of the Santa Cruz – Cochabamba highway, the indefinite strike measure is maintained. For example, in municipalities like Buenavista there are three blockade points, in San Carlos one; while in San Juan and Yapacaní the activities are carried out with total normality.

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