In the last 24 hours, the Dominican model has published videos where the Colombian lawyer is heard insulting her, messages, and that he has even gone months without seeing his daughter who is in Bogotá, although he would have received the remittances from the agreement international number of visits with which she must comply.
Colombian News.
A case of alleged intrafamily violence, breach of visitation regime even based on international agreements has jumped to public opinion, after the “evidence” that a Dominican model has revealed this week on Twitter to accuse a Colombian lawyer, who already had other complaints of violence by other women.
The case is between Stephanie Múñoz and the lawyer Guillermo Andrés Rodríguez.
The woman, from the Dominican Republic, met the lawyer, they were dating and lived together in Bogota for a while, however, she denounces that since she was pregnant, she suffered from violence.
She has come to assure that she was even threatened, “with a gun to her head.”
Through Twitter he has decided to publish messages, videos and a whole series of elements that he qualifies as “evidence”, to denounce the case and ask “the ICBF and Colombian authorities” to help me.
This is a case that has been going on for five years now.
Although she has been able to make a few visits and travels frequently to Colombia, she assures that many times she has had to leave without seeing her daughter.
The Dominican model assured that she left her home and the country due to threats against her life and even her mother.
That he decided to leave and then seek the agreement under the law, “because he is a lawyer who has handled other cases and I know how he moves.”
she has decided publicly denounce “The nightmare I’ve lived through.”
I also filed a complaint last year!!! I have criminal complaints, I have a protection measure, I have an international agreement, I have a complaint about everything ? nothing is progressing. I still have to see my daughter in her house and agree to what she wants with my visits. I want my daughter with me!
—Stephanie Munoz (@smunosilli) November 22, 2022
Although Múñoz has made these public complaints to request help from the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare and Colombian authorities, they have not spoken.
Regarding this fact, in his country he has also been asking for support and for the activation of international protocols.
However, although the lawyer has not spoken directly, he has retweeted messages in which other people, several of them women, to the foreign mother of his daughter.
Complaints against him
In the case of the lawyer, media such as Volcánicas, Cuestión Pública and others have published the alleged complaints against him in several reports.
«The testimonies compiled by the journalistic alliance between Feminist and Volcanic Public Question They give an account of a decade of physical, sexual and psychological aggressions by Rodríguez,” says one of the reports.
This journalistic investigation collects a total of 15 testimonies “that corroborate the stories of 5 women who claim to be direct victims.”
The attacks, and in this I could agree with what was said by the Dominican model, “include alleged death threats, intimidation with weapons, manipulation, sexual, physical and emotional violence.”
“The stories also reveal the way in which Rodríguez has allegedly used his professional prestige, the economic power and the power he presumes to have in the lawyers’ union to intimidate and establish abusive power relationships with different women. The facts here rebuilt would have occurred between 2011 and 2022″.
The lawyer Guillermo Andrés Rodríguez Martínez (@GuilloRodrig) is accused of abuse and violence against women for ten years.
Investigation carried out by the journalistic alliance of @question_p Y @VolcanicasRev. #AlianzaCPVolcanicas
The report??
– Public Question (@cuestion_p) February 24, 2022