After the detection of more than 150 doses of tetanus and hepatitis B vaccines that lost their cold chain —of which more than 100 were administered to the population—, the Los Ríos Regional Ministerial Health Secretariat (Seremi) initiated a summary against the Hospital de Los Lagos.
“129 of these doses were administered to users, which, being inactivated as a result of the loss of the cold chain, will not cause harm or side effects in users,” he said. Radio Biobío, Cristina Ojeda, Health Seremi of the Los Ríos Region. And she added: “However, we have to proceed with the revaccination.”
The situation was exposed after an inspection by officials of the National Immunization Program of the Ministry of Health (Minsal) and the Valdivia Health Service.
The mayor of Los Lagos, Aldo Retamal, told the aforementioned outlet that the municipality’s Health Department suggested that they hopefully have the necessary resources or, at least, the best possible implementation from the central level, “so they don’t lose cold chains and, above all, situations like this don’t happen again”.