This Sunday actor Jason David Frank, known for playing one of the Power Rangers, was found dead.
According to sources and the first results of an investigation that is still ongoing, Frank allegedly committed suicide. The actor was in a divorce process with his wife. He himself had planned on his agenda to participate in the Comic-Con in Paraguay.
The event upon hearing the news released a statement that recited the following,
«With great sadness, today we received the news of the physical disappearance of Jason David Frank, the legendary Power Ranger, who was announced as one of the most anticipated artists at our ComicCon Paraguay.
Jason, remembered for playing Tommy Oliver, struck a chord with all of us who followed the series for years, making him a much-loved and respected actor who continued to share the magic of his character with his fans through conventions around the world.
ComicCon Paraguay deeply regrets this loss days after his arrival in our country. Jason will have his special place at our event, with a well-deserved tribute and our infinite thanks for all his Power Rangers,” the event statement quoted.
Jason David Frank appeared in the first three Power Rangers series, leading to multiple special appearances and a longer return in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder.