The Senate will debate this Wednesday, in a special session, the 2023 Budget project, in a discussion that will last for several hours and in which ruling party -with their own votes and those of allied forces- will seek to give a final sanction to the initiative and send it to the Executive Power for its promulgation.
The session, scheduled for 2:00 p.m., will also include discussion of the bill, approved two months ago in Deputies, which extends for five years the validity of taxes on Income, Bank Debits and Credits, known as the Check Law ; of the Monotribute, the Capital of the Cooperative and the additional Cigarette, which expire at the end of 2022, which together explain 32% of the tax collection.
Approval of Budget in Deputies
The 2023 Budget project was approved by the Chamber of Deputies in the last days of Octoberafter an extensive session in which the Frente de Todos managed to sanction him with their own votes, from provincial forces and from radicalism legislators framed in Together for Change.
In fact, at that meeting, which took place between October 25 and the early hours of October 26, the project obtained 180 votes in favor, 22 votes against, and 49 abstentions, and became the one that received the greatest number of endorsements in the lower house from 2012 to date.
Pass the project to the Senate
The 2023 Budget bill passed to the Senate where, after two meetings of the Budget and Finance Committee -held on November 2 and 3-, it obtained a majority opinion with the signatures of the legislators of the Frente de Todos and its ally from Together We Are Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck.
The first of the days served for the legislators to listen to the Secretaries of Economic Programming, Gabriel Rubinstein; from the Treasury, Raúl Rigo; and Finance, Eduardo Setti.
The following day, the interblock that is the first minority in the Upper House obtained the necessary signatures to bring the project to the venue.
However, the ruling party took one more week before the issue was discussed in a session.