The National High School Exam (Enem) 2022 begins to be applied this Sunday (13) across the country in print and digital modalities. Both the tests and the essay topic will be the same in both modalities. In all, about 3.4 million candidates will take the exam.
The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), responsible for carrying out the tests, released this week the official numbers of the exam, which is the main way of entering public higher education, through the Unified Selection System (Sisu), of obtaining scholarships through the University for All Program (Prouni) and participation in the Student Financing Fund (Fies).
In all, 3,331,566 candidates will take the printed Enem and 65,066 the digital one. Most are in the states of São Paulo (527,097), Minas Gerais (301,350) and Bahia (260,331). Women represent 61% of candidates and black people, the sum of blacks and browns, 54.8% of those enrolled.
The Enem will be held at 11,175 test sites in 1,747 municipalities. More than 320,500 people will be involved in the application of the exam, including state and municipal coordinators, applicators and supervisors.
On test day, it is mandatory to take original identification document with photo. Among the accepted identifications are identity and driver’s licenses (CNH), passport and work card issued after January 27, 1997.
The novelty of this edition is that digital documents with a photo of the e-Título, digital CNH and digital ID will be accepted, which must be presented in the respective official applications. Photos of the cell phone screen will not be accepted.
Another must-have item is the black ink ballpoint pen made of transparent material. It is necessary to fill out the answer card in the printed Enem and to write the essay in both the printed and digital Enem. The face protection mask is mandatory, except in states or municipalities where the use of the item indoors is allowed by decree or administrative act of equal regulatory power.
It is also recommended that participants bring snacks and water, as the race is long, and that they take the registration confirmation card, which includes, among other information, the race location. The card can be accessed at participant page??
If they need to prove that they participated in the exam, students can also print the declaration of attendance for each day of the exam on the participant’s page, informing their CPF and password. The statement, which must be presented to the applicator at the door of the room each day, serves, for example, to justify absence from work.
first day of test
On the first day of the Enem, candidates will take, in addition to the objective tests of languages and human sciences, the only subjective test of the evaluation, the essay?? Gates open at 12pm and close at 1pm. It is not allowed to enter after the gates have closed. The tests start at 1:30 pm and end at 7:00 pm. The time is Brasilia.
Next Sunday (21), the participants take the math and natural science tests.
The exam selects students for public higher education vacancies, through Sisu, for scholarships in private institutions, through Prouni, and serves as a parameter for Fies. The results can also be used to enter Portuguese educational institutions that have an agreement with Inep.
To test their knowledge, students can access the free Enem questions gives Brazil Communication Company ??EBC), a bank that gathers questions from past editions of the exam. In the system, it is possible to choose which areas of knowledge to study. The bank selects the questions at random.