Jesus Estrada and Juan Carlos G. Partida
Newspaper La Jornada
Wednesday, November 9, 2022, p. 9
The Secretary of the Interior, Adán López Hernández, affirmed yesterday in Chihuahua that former President Felipe Calderón he’s whimpering because he says we’re already accusing him in international courts, right? This government does not accuse anyone, it was accused by citizens who filed the complaint, but wait patiently, because when it comes to crimes against humanity, justice comes
. Later, in Jalisco, he assured that it is not gratuitous that Calderón dare not set foot in the country, lives abroad on the run
During the dialogue The importance of the constitutional reform regarding the National Guard, the official said in reference to the former president: In our country there is going to be justice without impunity for anyone and (in) this government, the public policy is to put
the social to the individual, because this is not spontaneous generation or invention, there were those who absurdly gave the hornet’s nest a club
López Hernández also visited the local Congress –where the PAN is in the majority–, which postponed the vote on the reform on the armed forces for this Thursday. Before, he met with the PAN governor Maru Campos.