According to the General Directorate of Customs (DGA), the imports totals for the period January-September 2022, amounted to 23,386.23 million dollars, presenting an increase of 34.78%in relation to the same period of the year 2021.
The DGA explains that, seeing the imports non-oil, growth is 23.87% going from 14,685.54 million dollars in January-September 2021 to 18,190.89 million dollars in the same period of 2022. In addition, the 81.91% of the imports entered under the clearance regime for consumption, after reaching 19,155.80 million dollars; 17.68% for free trade zone, these were located at 4,133.91 million dollars and the remaining 0.41% for other regimes, which reached 96.52 million dollars.
Of the total imports entered the country under the clearance regime for consumption.
The date of the Customs Trade Magazine indicates that of the total importsthe 44.84% corresponds to consumer goods, 41.55% to raw materials, while the remaining 13.61% to capital goods. Consumer goods grew by 27.88%, while raw materials and capital goods grew by 45.77% and 28.08%, respectively.
consumer goods
It specifies that among consumer goods the segment of other goods stands out with a participation of 13.95% after reaching 3,261.67 million dollars in the imports totals. Followed by white petroleum products (fuels) with 2,805.43 million dollars, for 12.00%. There are also processed or semi-processed food products (including refined vegetable oils). This destination reached 1,461.07, for a participation of 6.25%. Among other products.
In the case of raw materials, imports totals reached a total of 9,718.09 million dollars, of that amount the section qualified as other raw materials and/or intermediate products, reached 1,316.24 million dollars, for 5.63%; other unprocessed fuels (4.73%); foundry of iron and steel (4.70%), among others. In the case of capital goods, this destination was located at 3,182.19 million dollars in total, highlighting spare parts for machinery and equipment with 1,046.80 million dollars, for 4.48%, other capital goods (4.08%), for the industry (2.67%), among others.
Trade agreements
The most imported products through free trade agreements are vehicles, meats, cheeses, ceramics, water, including mineral and carbonated water, beverages, alcoholic liquids, among others.
According to the General Directorate of Customsthe most imported item within the agreement DR-Cafta was that corresponding to passenger cars and other motor vehicles 20.75%. For the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) that corresponding to ceramic plates and tiles reached 10.90%.
Also, for FTA-Central America: water, including mineral water and carbonated water 14.94%; for the Dominican Republic-Caribbean Community Free Trade Agreement (Caricom): cereal-based products 39.64%.
Lastly, the Partial Scope Agreement with Panama with products such as undenatured ethyl alcohol with alcoholic strength
The documents of Customs indicate that during the months of January-September 2022, the imports that entered the country under trade agreements amounted to 2,373.76 million dollars, showing a growth of 10.76% in relation to the same period in 2021. Customs explains that in DR-Caftathe country with the highest participation is the United States with 59.72% of the total imported.
Total exports for the period January-September 2022, amount to 9,520.87 million dollars, for an increase of 9.64%, in relation to the same period of the year 2021. For this period, 61.81% belong to the free zone regime, 35.48% to the national regime, 2.41% to temporary admission and the remaining 0.30% to re-export.