The Ministry of Economy and Finance (FEM) published Supreme Decree No. 250-2022-EF, which modifies the regulations of Legislative Decree No. 1399, which promotes the strengthening of micro, small and medium enterprises and creates the Crecer Fund, in order to allow associations and cooperatives of MSMEs can access the resources of the financial system for the development of their activities.
In this way, it is expected that the Crecer Fund will be able to guarantee new credits for S/ 61 million for cooperatives and other associative forms (MSMEs) through entities of the financial system, which will help boost their productive development.
It should be remembered that said fund was created with the aim of promoting the productive and business development of MSMEs and exporting companies due to its high impact on the national economy, for which it seeks to facilitate access to credit for its beneficiaries through the granting of guarantees, credits and other financial products that allow its growth.
The approved rule includes cooperatives or civil associations as beneficiaries of the Crecer Fund, which must participate as legal entities, different from the members that compose them.
Likewise, it has been made explicit that these legal persons must be made up exclusively of MSMEs.
In the same way, these beneficiaries are subject to an annual sales limit, which must not exceed the maximum amount established for medium-sized companies established in article 5 of the TUO of the Law for the Promotion of Productive Development and Business Growth.
It should be noted that, between 2019 and September 2022, the Crecer Fund has provided guarantee coverage to credit operations for S/ 3,221 million, for which Cofide issued guarantees for S/ 2,230 million in favor of entities of the financial system (ESF). ) and issued guarantees for S/ 974 million in favor of factoring companies (EF), thus benefiting 19,544 MSMEs and exporting companies.
In addition, through its credit instrument, it allocated resources to the ESF for S/ 186 million, which has benefited 7,768 MSMEs.