East sunday november 6 a was made new draw for the 5 de Orowith two silver pot winners who shared a total of almost $700 thousand. Meanwhile, the gold pit and revenge pit were vacant.
Two people split $686,444 ($343,222 each) who distributed the silver well. The gold pot accumulates a total of $13,377,946while the rematch remained at $10,681,308.
In the well of gold and silver the balls came out 5, 18, 26, 44, 46 and the extra ball 8.
In the rematch the following came out: 1, 15, 26, 34 and 47.
the draws held every Sunday and Wednesday Y you can bet until 21:00 of the same day.
The National Directorate of Lotteries and Quinielas, which depends on the Ministry of Economy and Finance, carries out these draws.