half project
Three years after the startup of these universities, of the 145 venues, only 65 are finished; six await the assignment of a plot of land to build the school; 16 already have the land, but work has not yet started, and 58 are still in the construction process.
The data comes from the files on the situation of the facilities, published by the Coordinating Body of the Universities for Welfare “Benito Juárez García”.
“Obviously, that there are no facilities, that has an impact on the education of young people. They don’t have libraries. Technology and things are changing and they don’t have access to databases or virtual libraries either. How does that impact? make their education deficient,” explains a former professor at the University of Iztapalapa who asks to omit her name in an interview.
Studying among these shortcomings, he adds, is an inconsistency. This project aims to bring education to young people from vulnerable areas, but making them study in this context also contributes to their exclusion.
“These are kids who are committed, who want to get out of this exclusion that they have historically had. Many of them are the first generations in their homes to receive higher education. So, having all these deficiencies, obviously, puts them at risk again, because, when they compete with other universities, they are going to be left out”, explains the professor.
“You can go to Iztapalapa, Milpa Alta, Álvaro Obregón, where there are supposed to be venues, but the venues are not finished or spaces are being rented, as in the case of Tlalpan and Xochimilco, where there are no facilities,” adds Nayeli. , a student from the Cuauhtémoc campus.
Another example is the University of Welfare in Ciudad Ixtepec, Oaxaca, where the classrooms do not have fans, despite the heat, or curtains, explains Flor Enríquez, a former teacher at this school.
“They have projectors, but they can’t use them because there are no curtains. The school was built on desert land, there are no trees yet, the classrooms are insufficient; it is very far from public transport, they have to walk a long way in the sun,” described in interview.
Added to this is the fact that in many universities they have not given professional titles to graduates, which makes it difficult for them to find a job.