Other changes in relation to what the Code establishes today consist in the fact that, unlike the current provision, the crime is committed whether or not there is a subordinate relationship (labor or domestic), is carried out for lascivious purposes and is carried out in the space public or private, in addition to the computerized modality.
The changes were endorsed by 71 votes and were sent to the Chamber of Deputies, they consist of an addition to article 259 Ter of the Federal Penal Code.
It is proposed to increase the penalties if the harassing person is a public servant or uses the means or circumstances provided by the commission, in addition to prison, he will be removed from office and disqualified from holding another public office for up to one year.
✅ Unanimously, with 71 votes in favor, it is approved to reform the Federal Penal Code to establish that whoever harasses a person of any sex, in public, private space or through digital media, will be sentenced to prison from one to five years .
– Mexican Senate (@senadomexicano)
November 3, 2022
Increased penalties for acid attacks
With 79 votes in favor and zero against, reforms to the Federal Penal Code were also approved to increase the penalties for those who attack, by themselves or through third parties, a woman with the use of corrosive substances or acids.
Currently, the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence recognizes that physical violence could be committed through the use of acids or corrosive substances, but now the possibilities of harm are extended and the perpetrator does not necessarily carry out the aggression.
With the reforms – whose minute was turned over to the Chamber of Deputies – it is established that 7 to 13 years in prison and a fine of 300 to 700 times the daily value of the Measurement and Updating Unit will be imposed, which today would be equivalent to 67,354 pesos, to the person who by himself or through third parties causes injuries using any agent or corrosive, caustic, irritant, toxic or flammable substance, alkalis, acids and similar substances.
✅ To establish seven to thirteen years in prison for anyone who causes injuries with substances to a woman, causing incurable damage or illness, the Federal Penal Code is unanimously approved, with 79 votes in favor. pic.twitter.com/Go7efOULuY
– Mexican Senate (@senadomexicano)
November 3, 2022
This in order to cause incurable disease damage in women, complete disablement or loss of a limb or organ; when any organic function is impaired or any disability or uncorrectable deformity is generated in the skin.
The penalty will increase by two thirds when there is or has been between the aggressor and the victim a kinship or sentimental, affective, employment or trust relationship. The Public Ministry will have the obligation to guarantee the integral reparation of the damage.