The Justice of São Paulo determined that the candidate who won the presidential elections on Sunday (30) will have the right to occupy Avenida Paulista, in the central region of São Paulo. According to the decision, supporters of the elected candidate will not be able to occupy the place before the end of voting. The celebration can only start at 20:30. The decision does not consider the elected governor.
“The determination follows what had been agreed by the two competing groups before the first round. It is decided that, as for the intention to demonstrate through occupation of Avenida Paulista by entities or movements on October 30, 2022, after the voting time, it must be strictly according to the result of the election”, says the decision of Judge Randolfo Ferraz de Campos.
Regarding the starting time, the judge considered that “even if the voting time ends, it is necessary to consider the movement, from then on, of human and material resources allocated to the logistics of the electoral judicial machine, aiming at the protection of equipment and data used or generated in the election, and both on Avenida Paulista and in the vicinity, it is known that there are numerous polling stations. So, prudently, you should wait at least 20 hours and 30 minutes for the beginning of the demonstrations”.