Santo Domingo.- This Wednesday the Dominican Evangelical Church valued the good intentions and efforts of the government, as well as the President of the Republic, Louis Abinader, for the way in which the reins of the country have been taken and the “change” that is needed has begun to be implemented. However, they indicated that not all public officials have the same intentions.
“In the government we have people who have liked to continue with the same spirit and are not interested in transparency… change but with the same spirit”, indicating that, although this is a different government, some have wanted to continue managing the same that in the previous administration, this was confirmed by Miguel Ángel Cancú, Bishop of the Dominican Evangelical Church.
They also took advantage of the moment to talk about the causes of crime, the lack of social and citizen security, as well as preventive actions against crime that are needed in the country.
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“Crime in the country is the result of many years of social debt such as lack of education, neglect of the family, as well as impunity and corruption on the part of governments, since what could have been used to form and Presenting better life options in the neighborhoods has already been lost,” said Jeremías Brafett, rector of the Theological Seminary.
“If you really want an accurate solution for crime, you should start thinking about how to prevent it instead of continuing with the idea that by killing or apprehending a criminal you are solving the issue,” he pointed out.
For her part, the pastor of the Dominican Evangelical Church in Villa Juana, Xiomara Rosario, considered that the main reason criminals are formed is “family debts.”
“In churches we receive many young children who prefer not to be at home because they are victims of violence, incest and absent parents, so we also have to fight against many anti-values that are being presented today.”
His statements were issued at the weekly lunch of the Corripio Communications Group, where Sebastiana Javier, director of the Central Evangelical College and Faustino Cedeño, teacher at the Higüey public school, also participated.