Senators propose reforms to the revocation law to carry out the consultation
▲ The plenary session of the Senate in December 2021 image.Photo Roberto Garcia Ortiz
Andrea Becerril
Newspaper La Jornada
Friday, January 14, 2022, p. 5
The National Electoral Institute (INE) can carry out the consultation on the revocation of the mandate with the budget it has and it only requires that it be allowed to group three nearby polling stations into one, said Damián Zepeda, senator of the National Action Party (PAN). , who proposed to reform the legislation on the matter.
It is, he explained, the addition of a third paragraph to article 41 of the Federal Law for Revocation of Mandate to empower the INE to create single voting centers with the boxes that correspond to the same electoral section.
The merger of up to three nearby boxes into one, he maintained, it would not inhibit participation, but it would allow the exercise to be carried out with fewer resources
, at least with half of what the INE asks for.
Eduardo Ramírez, senator from Morena, insisted on the similar proposal that he made last week, but he proposes to place only 50 percent of the polling stations that were installed in the presidential election.
Yesterday, the former president of the Senate expressed on social networks: Today more than ever it is necessary to reform article 41 of the Federal Law for Revocation of Mandate. The budget of one thousand 738 million pesos requested by the INE for this exercise would be reduced and we would guarantee the right to participatory democracy
In a virtual press conference, Senator Zepeda made it clear that he does not agree with his PAN colleagues and with the opposition in general, and is in favor of carrying out this exercise next April.
The revocation of mandate cannot be in doubt; it is a constitutional citizen right to decide if we want a bad ruler to leave. Good thing you have! We all have to help it to be done in the best conditions; That is why I am making this proposal, which was included in the original initiative, also from other parliamentary groups, including Morena.
, Held.
He insisted that bringing together three nearby boxes in a single one will reduce the cost of the process and would end an economic problem, which has been the center of the debate in recent days, and they will be given to the INE. the tools to make it cheaper
His initiative, he said, can be approved in an extraordinary period or in the first days of February, when the Senate is already in session.