At least 160 detainees accessed prison benefits or regime changes. The goal is to reduce overcrowding. Other projects such as infrastructure are still pending.
Between December 15 and 22, 2021, 740 persons deprived of liberty (PPL) regained their freedom. According to the National Service for Comprehensive Attention to Adults Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders of Ecuador (SNAI), the processes have been faster and are part of the measures to reduce overcrowding in the country’s prisons. This is one of the factors influencing the riots that, in 2021, led to the deaths of at least, 300 inmates, 180 correspond to the Litoral Penitentiary.
Of the numbers of released prisoners, 680 had a release ballot, while approximately 160 agreed to prison benefits or regime change, such as semi-open. The freedom of at least 5,000 people detained nationwide is the challenge that the current Government has set itself.
Who accesses
The Comprehensive Organic Penal Code (COIP) grants prison benefits to inmates who have served 60% of the sentence and who have catastrophic illnesses and good behavior.
But these measures of freedom and pre-freedom have their limits. For example, pardons are not granted to citizens sentenced for the crimes of genocide, torture, forced disappearance of persons, kidnapping and murder for political reasons or of conscience.
While pre-release is denied to people who committed: homicide, femicide, crimes against sexual integrity, embezzlement, bribery and others typified in article 699 of the COIP.
Budget not executed
Information from the Ministry of Finance states that in 2021, SNAI received $ 87,996,313; the item includes $ 8,829,352.00 to attend the prison crisis that generated four states of emergency, On December 28, 2021 this status ended.
$ 41,559,325 have been earmarked for the payment of personnel and $ 34,090,278 to goods and services for investment: the extra item for emergencies is contemplated there.
Since November 18, 2021, LA HORA has requested an interview with a SNAI spokesperson to address this and other issues related to prisons, but so far there is no response.
The agency has not made transparent what improvements were made in prisons where there are infrastructure problems and even water supply. (AVV)
En 2021, al sistema carcelario se le asignaron $87’996.313.
Para obtener la prelibertad, un detenido debe cumplir con actividades de inserción familiar, laboral, social y comunitaria, y portar un grillete hasta que complete la pena.
Actualmente, las cárceles del Ecuador tienen una capacidad para 30 mil detenidos; sin embargo, acogen a cerca de 40 mil. Lo que genera un 30% de hacinamiento, es decir, 9 mil personas en exceso.