This Friday the 21st, the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) continues with the payment schedule corresponding to the month of October, in which the contributions of four social benefits will be paid.
On the one hand, the federal entity will deposit today the contributions of retirement and minimum pensions, which are those whose assets do not exceed $48,729. As established by the ANSES, today it will be the turn to collect from those who have ID ending in number 7.
In the case of the Family Allowance for Child (SUAF) and Universal Allowance for Child (AUH), the ANSES He reported that, During this day, the remuneration of those beneficiaries whose DNI ends in 7 will be deposited.
Also, the administration chaired by Fernanda Raverta will also deliver today the payments of the Universal Pregnancy Allowance (AUE), the federal program that women receive during the gestation process.
According to the dates assigned in the calendar, this Thursday the beneficiaries with DNI ending in number 8 will be able to collect. While the holders whose documents end in number 9 must wait until next Monday, October 24, to receive their deposits for the month.
How is the calendar until the end of the month?
As of Monday 24, the ANSES will begin to deposit the subsidies of the Unemployment Plan 1, the social program aimed at helping people who lost their jobs for unjustified reasons during the pandemic. This group will receive their disbursements from Monday, October 24 to Friday, October 28, following the order by completion of the DNI.
Finally, contributions for retirement and pensions with assets greater than $48,729 will begin to be deposited according to the completion of the DNI from Tuesday, October 25 to Monday, October 31, respectively.