SANTO DOMINGO.-After missing half a morning of work due to parking badly on one of the roads where the pilot plan “Park well” was launched, the driver Pedro Santana reacted jokingly: “Let them park wherever they want, but they know They’re going to pay their fine.”
In accordance with his well-deserved penalty of one thousand pesos, for parking for five minutes in a prohibited place, the offender, like other people, expressed satisfaction after acknowledging that the measure has positive effects.
The pilot plan that began on September 26 and seeks to improve mobility, in addition to this conquest in the Serrallés sector, to date has inspected 295 vehicles, of which 282 were withdrawn by their owners.
“Today eleven entered and five left,” said Dary Terrero, head of Communications at the National Institute of Transit and Transportation (Intrant), an entity that, together with the National District City Council and the General Directorate of Traffic Safety and Land Transportation drive the measure.
The initiative applied in streets such as Poncio Sabater, Francisco Carías Lavandier, Respaldo 22, José Amado Soler, Pablo Casals, Boy Scout and Dr. Jacinto Mañón, is speeding up vehicular circulation in that quadrant, characterized by large buildings and high density, as well such as commercial establishments,
Once they leave this environment, drivers and private drivers face large traffic jams in sectors such as the La Fe expansion, Villa Consuelo, “Painting”, on Isabel Aguiar, or Duarte Avenue, among others.
Hence, the taxi driver Julián Montero Encarnación insisted: “I hope that this is taken seriously, responsibility throughout the urban area, that it be like an education and formality for citizens and extend to other cities.”
Simón Guitiérrez, Hermenegildo González, Isidro Polanco, as well as Odett Pereyra, also described the decision as positive.
Organize the start of vehicle inspection
Continuity. Speaking on behalf of Hugo Beras, director of Intrant, Dary Terrero announced that the measure will be extended to Naco and other streets of the 42 roads that were changed direction until they cover the city once people assimilate and create awareness by parking.
He said that they are evaluating the expansion of La Fe and other sectors. They work on the issue of traffic light synchronization, they do simulations regarding the flow of traffic, as well as the collectivization of transport with the establishment of bus routes. They also work in the organization of vehicle inspection and the removal of junk from the roads.