In an abandoned house located in San Juan de Unare (Sucre), the sum of 230 7.62×39mm caliber cartridges destined for the AK-103 rifle was found, military sources said.
The location of the material was carried out by troops attached to the 53rd Zone Command of the Bolivarian National Guard who were carrying out patrol tasks during Operation Cacique Cayaurima.
In the building they also found a destroyed telephone equipment, a Maverick Mossberc 88, 12-gauge shotgun, an AK-103 rifle magazine, two empty 9mm caliber Glock magazines with a capacity for 31 cartridges in good condition and another one with 15 bullets.
Guiana Train
And in the Nuevo México sector, El Callao municipality (Bolívar), agents from the Rural Command Detachment 62-2 of the GNB seized 30 5.56X45mm caliber cartridges and a Hyundai Tucson vehicle, license plate AA655LA.
In this procedure, Marcos Abel Hernández Puerta, a member of the criminal group El Tren de Guayana, was arrested and will be prosecuted for illegal possession of war material.