Today the police launched the “Ojeroso” operation with the intention of arresting a dangerous assailant who posed as a photographer, producer and even driver of transport platforms, to get victims from whom he robbed.
In the Villa Aurelia neighborhood, after the raid on a house, the uniformed They managed to arrest Luigi Aristotel José Dami González, who is accused of being the author of several assaults.
Police officers commented that this man is a clever criminal who uses various techniques to get victimsone of the most used is to pass himself off as a photographer and marketing producer, offering his work preferably to women.
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Once the person is interested in what he offers, Luigi Aristotel takes them to a house where he keeps them and steals everything they have of value. There are also complaints from people who said that the man pretended to be a driver for the Bolt travel platform. and the same modus operandi, under trickery, retains them and robs them.
From the house inhabited by the suspect the police seized cell phones, a vehicle and other evidence that will be examined to connect the man with the numerous complaints that were received.
Another fact that was learned is that Luigi Aristotel has a history of reduction, robbery and theft, dating from 2017 onwards.