In his most recent column for The Republicthe journalist Rosa María Palacios considered that, after conclude the preliminary investigation against Pedro Castillopresented by prosecutor Patricia Benavides, the head of state has ended up “more muddy than any other president in office.”
“In short, he is suspected of having sold everything he could not touch and more. From positions of trust to millionaire public works contracts with Chinese companies. From perks for nephews and other relatives to ‘wings’ for his ministers”, he wrote in his article titled “Everything depends on Congress”.
For the journalist, the government of Pedro Castillo is far from over, since this possibility has Parliament itself as an obstacle.
In his analysis, article 117 of the Constitution of Peru is inapplicable when it comes to cases of corruption, because the treaty of the Convention against Corruption of the United Nations —considered by the prosecutor Patricia Benavides in her complaint— has constitutional rank.
However, Rosa María Palacios pointed out that the consequences that occur from this process are the responsibility of Congress and that is where “the mother of the lamb is” so that parliamentarians consider or not Castillo’s permanence in power.