Journalist Augusto Alvarez Rodrich talked about the latest events related to the Saratea case.
“On Tuesday, October 11, the day the detention order was issued for Mr. Alejandro Sánchez, who is this man, the owner of the house where Pedro Castillo stayed (…) Then, the arrest took place. death of Alejandro Sanchez which was registered in Reniec. The date of death came out with the date-time of Friday, October 14 and, according to Reniec’s file, the right-hand man of the president of Pedro Castillo had died on October 11, ”he mentioned.
“They know where? In the Ojo de Agua farmhouse. What province could it be? Where could it be? You already guessed it, in Chota, in Cajamarca. This file coincides precisely when the Judicial Power orders the arrest of this man to a preliminary arrest of 10 days against him, ”he continued.
In addition, regarding the signing of the death record, he commented that Dr. denied have done this.
“How unprepared (the people involved) because even to hide the crimes they are so clumsy,” he mentioned.
Finally, he argued that the Government “lives” to prevent them from “catching” peter castle.
“There is a great legal discussion about whether or not the prosecutor’s complaint is appropriate. What is certain is that Pedro Castillo, the president of the Republic of Peru, is a thief. He, his family, his daughter, his wife, his countrymen, his friends, Sarratea’s compadre and all the people, “he said.