The PT candidate for the presidency, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, said today (13) that he intends to collect contributions to prepare the Union’s Budget over the internet. “We will prepare the budget and, before presenting to Congress [Nacional], through the internet, anyone who wants to guess the budget, will. And we will include it based on people’s needs”, he said when speaking to the press in Aracaju (SE).
According to Lula, the proposal is to use digital tools to put into practice the concept of participatory budgeting by the federal government.
The candidate also intends to look for banks and large companies to propose the renegotiation of the debts of defaulting families. “We have to negotiate part of the debt that people have with retail, with Magalu, with Casas Bahia. Call businessmen to propose a negotiation and get people in debt out of Serasa,” he said.
Lula also wants to re-discuss with the banks the reduction of rates and interest charged by financial institutions. “Another thing is to discuss with the financial system. The banks, in addition to the interest rates being excruciating, have a [grande] number of trinkets that triple your debt. Then you can’t go out anymore [do endividamento]”, he added. “We are going to discuss more conditions to make cheaper credit”, she emphasized.
The policy of readjusting the minimum wage, with increases based on the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a policy that the former president intends to resume, if elected. “If the GDP grows and only the boss gets the growth, what do the people gain? Anything. So, it is necessary that this GDP grows and is shared. That’s why we gave inflation and readjusted the minimum wage according to the GDP of the last two years,” he said.