The Minister of Economy, Serge Massaquestioned his predecessor on Wednesday Martin Guzmanwhom he blamed for having left a Fiscal overflow for Argentina of more than 12 points in the second semester, with respect to the deficit goal agreed with the IMF.
Massa referred to the fiscal accounts that he found when he took charge of the Treasury Palace, during the meeting of finance ministers that took place this Wednesday afternoon at the IDB, an entity that approved this Wednesday a US$700 million loanfreely available for the country.
“We came from a process that led us to an overflow of 12.4% as of June in terms of the deficit”complained Massa in reference to the management of Guzmán, who resigned last July and left a heavy debt with hidden late payments that became known after his resignation,
Guzmán maintained this Wednesday your own schedule very close to where the current minister was speaking, walking through the streets of downtown Washington DC, near where the Annual Assembly is taking place, as confirmed by Télam.
Already out of government, Guzmán publicly reappeared yesterday in an international virtual dissertation on debt issues, along with his mentor and the Nobel Joseph Stiglitzorganized by Columbia University and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.