Ordering that the IPS request loans from the BNF or other entities and establishing the compensation of the debt with the State with the pension are the projects that appear today on the agenda of the Chamber of Deputies.
Items 19 and 20 of the ordinary session include the financial projects related to the Social Welfare Institute, presented by Deputy Arnaldo Samaniego and exposed yesterday by President Vicente Battaglia before the Budget Committee.
The first establishes administrative measures for the financing of the Illness and Maternity Program. In the first article, it is provided that the IPS request the Banco Nacional de Fomento, entities of the national or international system, the opening of credit lines in the medium and long term.
The limit of the total annual quotas may not exceed 5% of the annual budget assigned for the fiscal year in which the financial operation is carried out. Payments will be covered solely with resources from the Illness Program.
Long-term operations will be carried out under the constitution of a fiduciary administration and payment commission, according to article 2 of the legislative proposal.
On the other hand appears the project that establishes the compensation of the debt of the Paraguayan State with the Social Welfare Institute, which today amounts to 3.2 billion guaranies until August 31.
For this reason, the project provides that the Executive, through the Ministry of Finance, certify the debt and initiate the financial and budgetary procedures for compliance with the contribution.
Three years of grace are provided for the start of disbursements, from the entry into force of the law, in accordance with article two of the Law.