“A good executive education shouldn’t cost a fortune, and should focus on teaching practical skills that translate into business success.”
A new Donald Miller book is more valuable than any business school course.
Most people start their careers without understanding how to grow a business or company. It’s hard to be successful without a basic understanding of how business works.
This book includes sixty daily readings to take a leap in your career or business. Each of them will lead you to develop a skill that will allow you to practically and almost instantly improve the different aspects of your business.
Everything is there to learn management, marketing, sales, leadership and personal productivity. Donald Miller has learned how to get to the top using the principles he lays out in this book. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller How to Build a Storybrand?
In this book the author states that the secret to success is: “If you want to succeed at work, in love, in friendship, and in life, give the people around you a great return on whatever they invest in you. you”.
It is almost a lifestyle, as it points out that every morning when you get up you must give back to people the time, money and energy that they entrust to us for our activities.
The book presents the ten characteristics and the ten basic competencies of a valuable professional.
Written in a very simple way, it is at the same time forceful in its affirmations, for example a button: “No basic competence can overcome bad character”.
The author begins by saying that valuable professionals see themselves as a cheap commodity on the open market and as such are obsessed with getting people a strong return on their investment. In this way, they also attract more investments and manage to enjoy a greater personal economic value, and this is just the beginning of the adventure that is proposed for that 60-day trip in which reading this book can generate a valuable contribution for your professional accomplishment.
Simplify your business
Author: Donald Miller
Seal: Active Company
Recipes from the President’s Ranch
Author: Matthew Wendel
Publisher: The Whitehouse
EFE. Far from the pomposity of the White House, when the Bushes stayed at their Crawford ranch and at Camp David, the menus of the US presidential couple (2001-2009) opted for homemade food, whose chef has now compiled in a book of prescriptions. It is both a cookbook and a memoir of Matthew Wendel’s time with George W. and Laura Bush.
In total, 14 years that gave him access to meetings with the main world leaders in a more relaxed atmosphere. On the menu, enchiladas, fried chicken, gazpacho or cheeseburger, a classic that all nationalities liked. George W. Bush’s favorite dish was dessert: “He used to go into the kitchen and say ‘What’s for dessert?’ He never asked about dinner.”
Customer service in a new world
Author: Gabriel Vallejo Lopez
Label: Connect
On March 25, 2020, the order was given to begin the confinement throughout Colombia. Life changed dramatically and untimely. The global pandemic was a scenario of adaptation and learning and new realities. And the clients? And the service? And that passion for living for the benefit of others? And the companies and their suppliers? And the multinational? And the small business on the corner? This book presents a journey of research, interviews and figures, in the eight strategic sectors of society: infrastructure, banking and insurance, commerce, hotels and tourism, restaurants, health, transport and logistics.
yoga face
Author: Laura Botero
Label: Intermediate Publishers
Just as we tone the muscles of the body, we can also tone the facial muscles. The practice of facial yoga has been part of oriental rituals since the 7th century, with the use of facial tools such as the roller and the gua sha. The book proposes an effective and simple facial yoga routine, which will only take 15 minutes a day, to tone all your facial muscles, without overloading them. Beyond facial aesthetics, this book is a pioneer in promoting well aging or the art of aging well, honoring and loving the passage of time with habits that balance energy.
atomic habits
Author: James Clear
Label: Paidos
Atomic Habits starts from a simple but powerful question: How can we live better? We know that good habits allow us to significantly improve our lives, but we often go astray. James Clear provides insights based on scientific research, allowing him to reveal how we can transform small everyday habits to change our lives for the better. This guide uncovers the hidden forces that shape our behavior, from our mindsets to environment to genetics, and demonstrates how to apply each change to our lives.