The factoringa form of financing for companies to obtain liquidity anticipated, is a tool that is increasingly requested but that does not satisfactorily benefit the Mypes. Faced with this gap, Chita Factoring opened operations in Peru to support the growth of MIPYMES (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in the country.
According to figures from the Ministry of Production, during the first four months of the current year, factoring grew by 40%. However, only 0.3% of Mypes obtained liquidity.
LOOK: Factoring: six aspects to take advantage of this financing tool
“Factoring is a short-term financing mechanism, where an entity (the factor), advances the collection of invoices to credit to a business. In other words, it manages to transform the credit sales of a business into cash sales, greatly benefiting MSMEs, since their main need is liquidity”explains Fernando Gamarra, general manager of Chita Factoring.
The company offers the factoring service, without formalities or paperwork. “The client himself will be able to manage all his invoices, and track the status of each of his documents”assures Gamarra.
In the two months that Chita has been operating in Peru, more than 200 companies have resorted to this financing option through them. Focused on the MSME sector, the company allows the process for this financing to be carried out virtually, through its website In addition, it accepts electronic business invoices from a minimum amount of 50 soles. Likewise, MSMEs can access attractive rates without prior financial risk analysis.
Currently, the rates offered by some financial entities for companies requesting factoring range between 30% and 35% TEA. However, Chita offers a monthly rate of 0.99% for the first operation and, later, this varies according to the amount, term and risk analysis according to related companies.