The Government is working on a bill so that freelance professionals who invoice their services abroad can charge directly in our country in dollars and apply a monotax.
The measure of monotax “avoids informality and encourages registration in the tax system in an agile and simple way, with access to social work. It favors small exporters of knowledge-based services and e-gamers, whether they are self-employed or small groups”.
Saying monotax, which will be presented in Congress in the second half of October, is aimed at more than 30,000 people who invoice their knowledge-based services (SBC) abroad. In addition, it is estimated that there are 5,500 software companies in the country, of which three quarters (75%) are micro-SMEs with less than 10 workers.
The named workers will be able to collect up to 30 thousand dollars per year, more than half of what they can currently collect.
The tax measure Its mission is to increase the collection of foreign exchange for non-registered export services. In turn, the benefit for professionals who invoice abroad is that they will not have to settle the currencies, which is the same as charging in dollars without having to sell them at the official exchange rate.
Ariel Sujarchuk, Secretary of the Knowledge Economy, made a special focus on the fact that the project that is expected to be implemented seeks to empower local workers and programmers, but without gobbling up the national sector. In his own words: “It is a measure that must be taken intelligently and we are analyzing it well.”
How it works today
Currently, the workers SBC can charge up to 12 thousand dollars per year in your accounts in Argentina for the services provided, but the condition for using this mechanism is not to acquire foreign currency through the financial system and, in addition, income above the ceiling must be liquidated.
If the tax bill is approved, the amount will become 30 thousand dollars per year and it is analyzed what to do with the surpluses to that amount.