More than a thousand animals were rescued by the National Police, through the units of the National Directorate of the Environmental, Rural and Tourist Police, from January to September 2022.
The head of the Environmental Police, Elvin Ortíz explained that they rescued 52 animals of domestic fauna, in 288 actions carried out and 1,054 of wild fauna.
indicated that 114 verifications and 55 inspections have been carried out on complaints of animal abuse and 67 transfers to veterinary care.
He added that in coordination with environmental authorities and foundations dedicated to animal welfare, they have rescued sectors such as Panama Oeste, Colón, San Miguelito and others in the country.
Regarding the actions carried out in protected areas such as the Soberanía National Park and the Barro Colorado Reserve, Major Ortíz said that 4 cases of illegal hunting have been detected, 17 firearms have been seized and some 30 people have been apprehended and placed at the orders of the corresponding authorities.
Before any complaint about animal abuse, the police ask to call 314-9451 or 6910-4147 of the Environmental Police.