The legislator of Avanza País, Patricia Chirinos, affirmed that her bench “definitely” will support censorship against the vice president of Parliament, dignified streetafter it became known that he met at his home with the Minister of the Interior, Willy Huerta.
In dialogue with the press from the Parliament, Chirinos Venegas, stated that tomorrow he will have a meeting with his bench, Avanza País, to make a decision on Calle’s continuity on the Board of Directors.
“I think it is something that we are going to have consensus on, which is about censorship. [a Calle]. Tomorrow we are going to have a bench meeting and I think we are definitely going to support this censorship as a caucus,” he asserted.
Yesterday, Jorge Montoya of Popular Renewal announced that his bench will present a censorship against Calle. Legislator Edward Málaga has also been in favor of the measure.
Previously, the president of the Legislative Power, José Williams (Avanza País), indicated that the member of the Board of Directors is on leave and that they should wait to hear her defenses, after the announcement of Popular Renewal.