Within the framework of a press conference, the caucus of senators from the Broad Front referred to the Rendering of Accounts that will be voted on this week in the Plenary Session of the Chamber of Senators.
In this regard, Senator Silvia Nane stated that the current Accountability is the corollary of a management model that the current administration of the president, Luis Lacalle Pou, began with the National Budget, and the 2020 Accountability, by the which is intended to continue applying the “magic spill theory”.
“Despite having chosen to continue defending the fiscal deficit tooth and nail and having made a cut of 140 million dollars in 2020, and another 300 million dollars in 2021, we are verifying that what should be spilled does not spill anything, and all this with a record of exports and bank deposits”, remarked the legislator.
Nane added that the result has been an increase in child poverty, more Uruguayans looking for work, and 66,000 compatriots living below the poverty line.
“This model is contrary to that of social justice, which we seek from the Broad Front, and for which we work every day,” he said.
The Frente Amplio parliamentarian questioned there has been a phenomenon of “accumulation of wealth”, and everything has been sustained behind the backs of workers, retirees and pensioners.
Inequitable Accountability
For her part, Senator Liliam Kechichian said that the Rendering of Accounts is “inequitable”, because “it reduces spending in social areas”, and all government policies “have resulted in the reduction of wages and liabilities, in a country which is growing, but child poverty has also grown exponentially.
The Broad Front will vote in the negative, in general, for Accountability, but will support some articles.