A total of 166 people, 79 by trade, 18 in flagrante delicto, 61 administrative misconduct, 06 micro-trafficking and 02 drug-trafficking, was the result of the operations carried out by the security forces in the last 24 hours, through ‘Operation Bishop’.
Also, 232 packages with alleged illicit substances were seized and the seizure of B/. 168,500.00, on Cuba Avenue.
According to the National Police, 11 firearms and 61 ammunition were removed from the streets, 4 cars were recovered, 3 vehicles and a boat were seized.
Meanwhile, the National Directorate of Traffic Operations issued 1,555 violations of the Traffic Regulations, of these 547 were for speeding, 46 for proven drunkenness, 26 expired licenses, 4 for alcohol breath, 46 inadequate lights and 15 for talk on the cell phone