From this Monday, September 26, the pilot plan “Parquéate Bien” comes into force, an agreement between the Mayor of the National Districtthe National Institute of Transit and ground transportation (Intrant) and the General Security Directorate of Transit and Land Transport (digestett), with the purpose of allowing parking in one direction, always as the road goes, with the purpose of achieving traffic order and urban mobility.
The areas where drivers will not be able to park are duly identified, as explained in the official audiovisual of these organizations: in the X or “Do not park” signs.
The entities agreed that said plan it will be effective only on the streets Poncio Sabater, Francisco Carias Lavandier, Backup 22, José Amado Soler, Calle 5, Pablo Casalas, Manuel Henríquez, Boy Scout, Dr. Jacinto Mañón, Del Seminario, Fernando Escobar, Filomena Gómez de Coba and Calle Z.
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The agencies also reported that those who violate the provision will be inspected and the vehicle will be held, which will be taken to a parking lot run by the Association of Parking and Mobility Managers (Agemov), located on Tiradentes Avenue #17.
For these purposes, they agreed on a pilot plan in the central polygon of the city, starting next Monday, as established by the resolution elaborated with technical assistance and citizen participation, in relation to the design, elaboration, implementation and regulation of public policies associated with the ordering of traffic and urban mobility .