The PT candidate for the presidency, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, said today (19) that he wants to universalize access to higher education in the country. “We will have to continue promoting Brazilian universities, creating new universities. University is not for the few, it is for the many. They [adversários políticos] usually say that there is only a small portion that has to go to university. For us, everyone who wants to enter must have the opportunity to enter the university”, he said when he participated in an event in which he received support from former candidates for the Presidency of the Republic.
The former Minister of Education, Cristovam Buarque, and the former Minister of Finance, Henrique Meirelles (União Brasil), as well as Marina Silva (Rede), Guilherme Boulos (Psol) and João Vicente Goulart (PCdoB) came to support Lula. ).
Still talking about education, Lula defended that the resources destined to the area be seen as a way to leverage the country. “This money cannot be considered an expense, it has to be considered an investment,” she emphasized. For him, investments in education bring several gains. “Education is the most extraordinary return we have, and it is not measured financially, it is measured in the quality of the society we are creating, in the quality of the things we produce, in our international relations, in our competitiveness”, added.
The candidate also highlighted the need to recover the structure of the bodies in the environmental area. “We are going to have to recover almost everything we did in this country. We will have to recover IBAMA [Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis]the ICMBio [Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade]the Conama [Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente]. In other words, things that were elementary for us to make Brazilian society a society concerned with the climate issue, [que eles] destroyed,” he said.
Lula also defended the creation of new ministries to take care of social issues. “You have a set of ministries – Ministry of Human Rights; of Racial Equality; of Women – who spend very little and have an extraordinary political result in the organization of society,” she said.
Click here and see the agenda of candidates for the presidency this Monday.