The Local Development Center (Cedel) Casavalle opened registration for job training courses that begin in September and October. These will be carried out in agreement with the General Directorate of Professional Technical Education (UTU) and the Center for Training and Studies of the Municipality of Montevideo.
Training in basic electricity will take place from Monday, September 26, with classes on Monday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. the hours from 13 to 16.45.
Both activities will take place at the Cedel facilities, located at Calle Enrique Amorín 4741, corner of Julio Suárez. Registrations are received in the social area of this center, from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To participate in the electricity course you must be over 15 years old and have an approved primary education.
At the time of registration, you must present an identity card, adolescent card or health card, tetanus vaccine and schooling from the last institution you attended.
In the case of the entrepreneurship course, it is necessary to be over 18 years of age and have passed the basic cycle.
To register, you must present an identity card, health card, tetanus vaccine and schooling from the last institution you attended.