Madrid Spain.- The Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Power Plant (CTE), in Matanzas, left the National Electric System (SEN) again on Monday night.
As reported by the entity through its website Facebook the new failure is due to leaks in the boilers.
“Approximately 30 hours of cooling are needed to gain access to the damaged area and start maintenance work,” said the UNE.
As well as specified that the availability of the system is 2053 MW, with a demand of 2989 MW for a deficit of generation capacity of 992 MW.
According to the official media Cubadebate, generation is expected to be restored and the thermoelectric plant incorporated into the National Electroenergetic System next weekend.
This new breakdown further complicates the already critical energy situation in Cuba, for which the population has been suffering from blackouts of up to twelve hours for months.
Although the Electric Union keeps comments on its publication limited, the Cubans reacted through the pages of users who shared the news.
“The Never Never Story”, “The Never Ending Story”, say Cubans tired of the constant outages of the country’s thermoelectric plants.
Just as they denounce that to invest in thermoelectric plants there is no money, but for the remodeling and construction of hotels there is.
The CTE Antonio Guiteras had joined the SEN last week, after the UNE announced on August 30, 2022 that it was out of service due to “turbine parameter losses”.
The repeated breakages Antonio Guiteras and the rest of the country’s thermoelectric plants, with the consequent balance of blackouts, increasingly unsustainable for the island’s inhabitants, have led Cubans to take to the streets on different occasions, as a sign of their discontent.
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