The vice dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UASD, Dr. Zelania Matos, and the director of the School of Pharmacy, Elizabeth Pérez, along with other teachers from the academy and the participants of the “Diploma in Regulatory Affairs of Medicines, Biological Products, Cosmetics, Food and Sanitary Products”, to whom they gave their certificates.
SANTO DOMINGO.-The Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), through the School of Pharmacy, of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS), delivered the participation certificates to those who completed the fourth version of the “Diploma in Regulatory Affairs of Medicines, Biological Products, Cosmetics, Food and Health Products” .
The deputy dean of the faculty, Dr. Zelandia Matos, led the event held in the Guarocuya Batista del Villar room, of that academic unit, which is part of the training projects designed by that school, directed by teacher Elizabeth Pérez.
Dr. Matos, speaking on behalf of the dean, Dr. Mario Uffre, urged the participants to put into practice, with the highest degree of responsibility, the knowledge acquired during all the stages of this training cycle.
He congratulated the Pharmacy Department for giving professionals and technicians the opportunity to stay up-to-date in such an important area of knowledge.
On her side, Dr. Pérez stressed that for the school she directs, it is extremely satisfying to know that the fourth version of the diploma course aimed at professionals in the area of pharmacy and related areas has been completed with resounding success.
He invited those present and health professionals in general, to be attentive to the permanent training programs that the School of Pharmacy has on the agenda and that it will be announcing in the coming days.
Also present at the activity were the coordinator of the master’s degree in Nutrition, teacher Alberta Lora, and the facilitator, teacher Milagros Estévez, among other authorities.