Check out the agendas of candidates for the Presidency of the Republic this Monday (12):
Ciro Gomes (PDT): at 10 am, in São Paulo, participates in a meeting with young people at the Centro de Integração Empresa Escola (CIEE).
Eymael Constituent (DC): did not disclose its schedule.
Felipe D’Ávila (New): did not disclose its schedule.
Jair Bolsonaro (PL): Participates in a podcast in São Paulo at 7pm.
Leo Pericles (UP): did not disclose its schedule.
Lula (PT): at 11 am, he gives a press conference at the political office of the Brasil da Esperança coalition, in São Paulo, accompanied by former Environment Minister Marina Silva. At 8 pm, he gives an interview to CNN Brasil.
Father Kelmon (PTB): did not disclose its schedule.
Simone Tebet (MDB): at 10:30 am, participates in a walk through the center of Montes Claros, in Minas Gerais. At 11:30 am, there is a meeting with businessmen and leaders in the Auditorium of the Commercial, Industrial and Services Association of Montes Claros. At 3:00 pm, in Feira de Santana (BA), he takes part in a walk in the Popular Market and, at 4:30 pm, he visits the city’s Women’s Hospital.
Sofia Manzano (PCB): did not disclose its schedule.
Soraya Thronicke (Union): at 9:00 am, participates in a meeting with the press and communication team of the electoral campaign, in São Paulo. At 15:00, in Brasília, he participates in the recording of a Saturday interview/interview for Rede Vida. At 5 pm, he will be present at the inauguration ceremony of Minister Rosa Weber as president of the STF.
Vera Lucia (PSTU): at 3 pm, participates in the recording of the Public Women podcast. At 18:00, participate in the talk show Prelude, via YouTube. At 8 pm, he participates in a live on Instagram with Firefighter Rafa, from Rio de Janeiro, on the protection of children and adolescents, globalized education and children’s culture.
Article updated at 8:10 am.