After 17 months of its creation by means of a law sent urgently by Daniel Ortegathe operation of the Secretariat for Outer Space Affairs, the Moon and other Celestial Bodies, is hidden in the dark space of the public administration of the Ortega regime, in which the lack of transparency prevails and the information restrictions in the management of the resources of the national treasury.
The Secretariat for Outer Space Affairs It was created on February 17, 2021 by means of a law approved in an “express process” by the Ortega National Assembly, controlled by the deputies of the regime and the collaborationist political parties.
Executive and Army control
The law creating this instance establishes that it will be directed by the Presidency of the Republic, in coordination with the Nicaraguan Army.
Article five of this same law establishes that the Secretariat will have an allocation from the General Budget of the Republic, and may also receive “additional funds, movable and immovable property from friendly countries, international organizations, the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat and entities analogs”.
The instance, attached to the Presidency of the Republic, would be coordinated by a Secretary proposed by General Julio Cesar Aviles, in his capacity as head of the Nicaraguan Army, and ratified by the president.
More than a year and a half after its creation, it is unknown if there is any official appointed to coordinate the Secretariat and the amount of funds allocated for its operation.
The Budget Execution report from January to June 2022 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit does not detail whether of the resources allocated for the Presidency of the Republic (401.5 million córdobas), funds were allocated for the operation of the Secretariat for Outer Space Affairs.
The report also does not report that the Secretariat for Outer Space Affairs has any allocation of resources in the category of Allocations and Subsidies of the General Budget of the Republic.
Lack of transparency obscures operations
An economist consulted on condition of anonymity explained that when these details are omitted, it is due to a deliberate intention to hide the use of certain funds or simply that there is no allocation of money for a certain entity.
“In theory, you can’t assign anything to an entity or instance that doesn’t exist. But, either because the use of these resources is being hidden or because there is simply nothing to allocate money to, the problem remains the same: lack of transparency,” he opined.
When the regime sent the law initiative for the creation of the Secretariat for Outer Space Affairs, it justified its creation by arguing that it is intended to “comply” with the commitments that the country acquired with the United Nations Treaty and Principles on Outer Spacewhich created the foundations of international space law.
This treaty entered into force on October 10, 1967, and has been ratified by 110 countries, including Nicaragua, which ratified it in 2017. It is an agreement that governs international space law, prohibits the placement of nuclear weapons or other devices of massive destruction in orbit and regulates the use of celestial bodies for peaceful purposes and as a good for humanity, so that no government can claim celestial resources.
The Nicaraguan scientific community was one of the main shaken by the announcement of the creation of this Secretariat, given the little development of astronomy and the study of outer space in the country.
A member of the scientific community who also requested anonymity to avoid reprisals from the regime, explained that to date, no information or contribution to the study of the space that became this Secretariat has been known.
Scientist: “They seek to give an image of progress, but there is nothing”
“A technical and scientific institution at the state level has a public obligation to render reports, present projects, offer results and share these results. Apply them in practical areas and for the improvement of the country and its development. But in this case, nothing is known,” he opined.
“Nicaragua has never invested in this scientific field, and as happens with all those announcements, they seek to give an image of progress, when in reality there is nothing. Personally, I consider it another circus show in Nicaragua. The only thing one can think of is that this project serves as a screen for some connection with Russia and allies, ”he added.
According to the initiative, one of the functions of this Secretariat is “to promote the development of space activities to expand the country’s capacities in the educational, industrial, scientific and technological branches in this area.”
Another function that stands out is “to promote the development of space systems and the means, technology and infrastructure necessary for the consolidation and autonomy of this sector in Nicaragua.”
This office will have representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health, Nicaraguan Army, Telcor, Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies and the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics.
The promise of atomic energy
On August 30, 2022, the regime also created, but this time through a presidential decree by Ortega, the Nicaraguan Atomic Energy Commission con Peaceful Purposes.
This Commission will work in the offices of the Nicaraguan Council of Science and Technology (Conicyt), an entity attached to the Vice Presidency of the Republic, in charge of Murillo.
The head of Conicyt, a position held by the former head of the Army, retired General Moisés Omar Halleslevens, will be in charge of presiding over the Commission.
The decree establishes that the Commission will also have a direct allocation of funds for its operation, from the General Budget of the Republic.
In addition to Conicyt, the Commission will be made up of a representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Nicaraguan Army, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology, the Protection and Health Institute Agriculture and the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce.