The crew of the Emtrasur aircraft illegally retained in Argentina will have to go to trial to clarify the situations that involved the retention of the Boeing 747-300 cargo and the impediment of its crew to leave the country.
The information was released by the manager of Conviasa and director of Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Transport, Eliana Salazar, in an interview with a radio medium.
“On Thursday they all have to present themselves to a trial that will last from eight to 15 minutes. Each of the members has the opportunity to be heard, to defend themselves in this trial that can last perhaps eight hours, since there are 19 members of the crew: 15 Venezuelans and four Iranians (…) there are no accusations, there are no crimes”, express.
Similarly, Salazar stated that “the total release of the crew is expected, made up of 19 citizens of Venezuelan and Iranian nationality who have no crime and once they were given their passports, they showed no attempt to flee.”
Likewise, he stressed that legal actions continue to recover the plane of the subsidiary company of Conviasa.
Salazar reiterated that the Venezuelan State follows every step that is being taken in this investigation that has raised controversy after the interference of a foreign country, in this case a court in the District of Columbia of the United States, which demanded that Argentina keep the plane detained. .
Finally, he assured that the retention of the aircraft on Argentine soil has had an unfavorable impact on the country’s tourist activity and the stay of the crew members there represents an expense for the State.