The Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) announced the elimination of citizen verification prior to the municipal elections to be held on November 6. The institution replaced the face-to-face method with online verification to “eliminate the use of paper” that is also used during elections.
Through a bulletin published by the CSE, the entity praised its online process stating that, “in a few days it shows resounding success with the number of applications processed” that they claim exceeds two million verified citizens. The CSE called the elimination of the process a “historical milestone of commitment to mother earth.”
Related news: CSE has delivered more than 400 thousand certificates prior to its municipal electoral “farce”
They refer that the new mechanism implies the saving of “at least 3 million sheets of paper, which were used when the Citizen Verification was carried out in person, in the Voting Centers established throughout the country. In addition to the easy and quick access, at any time of the day that is required.
The online system was enabled from November 2021, during the general elections that were classified as a “farce” by the international community and organizations. Given this, the citizen observatory Urnas Abiertas pointed to the process as a fraudulent strategy known as “crazy mouse.”
They assure that the regime intends to create confusion in the electoral register because since there are fewer boards, they have to relocate the voters to other voting centers. Thus, from the day of verification they cannot be verified. On the day of exercising the vote, thousands of citizens go through various boards trying to cast their vote, but they are not registered in any of them and so they go from place to place.
Related news: Ortega’s CSE enables its “crazy online mouse” ahead of its November 2021 elections
The Sandinistas, who are the ones who put this strategy into practice, dedicate themselves to driving their voters using state resources to take them to their polling place. Each JRV should receive 400 votes.
The Electoral Power included in the report its calendar for the municipal elections, which includes 37 activities for the voting process. The period for presentation and registration of candidates for mayors, deputy mayors and councilors is from September 3 to 6. In addition, the CSE suppressed the dates of citizen verification, the setting of the register in the Voting Centers and the mechanisms to object to the electoral cartography.