On the day of the Amazon, celebrated today (5), the PSTU candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Vera Lucia Pereira, presented, as proposals, the end of deforestation, land grabbing and illegal mining in the Amazon region. The candidate stated that, if elected, she will expropriate the loggers who set fires, in addition to punishing illegal miners and land grabbers.
“For the Amazon and its people, we defend an end to deforestation, land grabbing and illegal mining. [Vamos] implement a plan for the immediate recovery of deforested areas, expropriate the loggers who burn the forest and arrest illegal miners and land grabbers”, he wrote on his social media.
Vera stressed that she will demarcate all indigenous and quilombola lands, and increase environmental preservation areas, with the strengthening of public inspection agencies. “[Vamos] strengthen environmental agencies, with full budget execution. [Vamos] hire new teams for inspection actions”.
The candidate also said that she intends to prepare a contingency plan, to stop the destruction of the forest, and will regulate the reduction of carbon emissions, with the expropriation of companies that do not comply with the rules.
“The increase in deforestation directly threatens the lives of traditional peoples and communities and the maintenance of biodiversity in the Amazon. In addition to contributing to greater carbon emissions in a period of climate crisis”, he highlighted.