The teachers and other union representatives have already announced that they have proof of the existence of the Onapre instructions, as well as that they will go to instances such as the ILO and the IACHR; all this prior to the activity in the Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday, September 6
The blow given by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) by declaring “inadmissible” the appeals filed against the so-called Onapre instruction and the subsequent announcement of a fine to six autonomous universities of the country for denouncing something that, in the opinion of the Judiciary «does not exist«, has not caused a decrease in the aspirations of the teaching union to go out to demonstrate on Tuesday, September 6 to continue asking that it not be applied.
In the social networks, the calls for the activity in Caracas are spread, which, according to the announcements, is a concentration in front of the Prosecutor’s Office in Parque Carabobo. Meanwhile, in other states of the country they make similar calls in favor of claiming their labor rights.
We mobilize again for:
Repeal of the ONAPRE instructions!
Full freedom for the workers imprisoned for fighting!
Respect for collective conventions!
Salaries and decent and sufficient pensions!
Who governs, the rights are defended!— National Front of the Working Class Struggle (@FNLCT) September 5, 2022
Let’s go together all the workers, this 09/06/22 to the National Convocation and together:
No to the Onapre Instructions
No to Memorandum 2792
No to the Judilization of the right to protest
For the freedom of our prisoners of conscience.Companions Metro de Caracas, Attend
— JPAM (@JPAM96608240) September 2, 2022
Guild of Bioanalysts history in defense of human rights and vindictive struggles we have CCT with all national and regional public entities, the objective is clear repeal memorandum 2782 MPPPT and ONAPRE instructions, discussion CCT = fair wages, decent retirement…
– Leon Judith (@presiju) September 3, 2022
Since March the orientation has been clear: Inter-union, intersectoral and national mobilization for the restitution of our labor rights. We demand justice from the public powers. Repealing the ONAPRE instructions is a pending goal, which is why the #6Sep to the street.
– jose gregorio afonso (@gregorio_afonso) September 4, 2022
Despite the fact that the TSJ insists that there are no such “instructions” from the Onapre, the president of the Federation of Health Workers (Fetrasalud), Pablo Zambrano, published via Twitter on Sunday, September 4, a memorandum dated March 22, 2022 signed by the Minister of Health, Magaly Gutiérrez, indicating the way in which the salary increase approved by the Executive should be canceled.
Therefore, Zambrano indicates that there is a “supra” instruction that “orders the Modification and Elimination of Contractual Benefits of Health Personnel”, as well as saying that the structure must be sent to Onapre for payments to be made.
#FETRAHEALTH Also at the end of said Memorandum it is said that the Mockup to make the payments must be sent to the #ONAPRE.
– Pablo Zambrano (@pzl17) September 4, 2022
Already with this knowledge and after the decision of the TSJ, the rector of the Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (UPEL), Raúl López Sayago, stated this Monday, September 5, that they have exhausted the national instances to file complaints and request that the instruction be repealed. Onapre, now have the objective of going to international organizations such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to file complaints.
López Sayago commented in the Circuit Hits that if there is no money, let them say so, since at least they are transparent and honest about the payment, just as he expressed that they are still awaiting the ruling that rejects the appeals against the instructive Onapre so that the legal advisors can analyze the reasoning of the why the “inadmissible”.
“Every time we requested the payment of the workers for the collective agreements, they rejected them because they should be only by the Onapre, that means that if there is an instruction that determines that it is necessary to collect, otherwise they will pay us according to what the agreements say collective” he limited.
Of a different opinion is the president of Fentrasep and deputy of the National Assembly elected in December 2020, Franklin Rondón, who assured this Monday, September 5, in VTV that the workers of the Ministry of Housing and Habitat have already reached the payment of premiums and payment of retirees, as well as those of Ipostel presented their collective agreement project.
He stressed that both the health and education unions are receiving their outstanding payments.
On the other hand, he stressed that they have been sitting down discussing with the Labor Minister, Francisco Torrealba, the macro collective agreement, but by modules. In other words, what they allow is to have fewer clauses but with greater content and that cover more actions.
He also stressed that there is the possibility of paying bonuses in installments.
The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) has been on the side of those who protest to demand their benefits and the repeal of the Onapre instructions. In this sense, the leader of that party, Yul Jabour, wondered where the money of the country’s workers is if such a mechanism “does not exist” and he believes, as does Professor Jose Gregorio Afonsothat the TSJ’s claim against those who filed the appeal “sets a very bad precedent for the administration of justice and the rule of law.”
#PressConferencePCV Yul Jabour: If the ONAPRE instructions do not exist, who got the money from the country’s workers?
The ruling of the TSJ that fines the plaintiffs sets a very bad precedent for the administration of justice and the rule of law.
– Communist Party of Venezuela ☭ (@PCV_Venezuela) September 5, 2022
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