In interview with Peru21the former head of the Dircote José Baella considered that the continuous changes in the National Police affect the institutional framework and the fight against citizen insecurity.
What is the importance of the Digimin?
The main function of the Digimin is to provide strategic intelligence to the interior minister. Analyze the information and then process it to report daily on citizen problems, such as illegal mining, human trafficking, among others. Thanks to this, decisions are made to solve these problems.
What is the danger of the continuous changes in the Digimin?
Permanently changing the directors of Digimin weakens the system and the very personnel that work there because each director enters with each policy to develop. The constant changes imply an undoubted weakening of the institution. This is a mistreatment that has been receiving the Policeman systematically, both from the Executive, with the president and the premier, and also from the minister.
Does the lack of vision affect the stability of officials in Digimin?
The people who arrive there, although it is true that they accept the position with good intentions, within the work they have to do – which is strategic intelligence – it seems that they are demanding things from them that go against their principles or values. They do not agree with carrying out some task that the political power wants to impose on them, in this case the interior minister and the president peter castle.
The interior ministerWilly Huerta, should I step aside?
In the Ministry of Interior not only has to be a political person, but also a technician, especially someone who knows the Policeman. Society is asking for a strategy to solve citizen insecurity, but this does not exist if authorities are constantly changing. If they don’t put someone who knows public management, then the ministry will never work.
Does the president have cadres to occupy the portfolio of the mininter?
Neither the president nor the premier have cadres capable of assuming these functions and the consequences can be seen in the instability we are going through.
Did Congress do the right thing by insisting on approving the norm that allows the appointment of a commanding general for two years?
I congratulate Congress and the Defense Commission because they are going to stop groping the Policeman and that is important. Politicians cannot keep groping the Policeman. This demoralizes the institution. The officers feel uncomfortable seeing that the political power has been tampering with the institution and we cannot allow this.